Research and Development

For the love of the planet and its inhabitants

We are constantly looking for innovative solutions to create new ingredients. We work every day to improve the quality of the final product in terms of organoleptic and nutritional properties.

Agro Innovation

Over 300 HA of our crops are destined for field experimentation to identify hybrids and varieties suitable for our ingredients.

We work with technicians and agronomists who constantly monitor our lots. By evaluating the adaptability, productivity, and chemical-physical characteristics of crops, we can identify the best ones for the food industry and our farmers.

To improve crop productivity and health, we study innovative agronomic paths with our agronomists. Precision agriculture plays a key role within our experimental activity. The results obtained to date are repaying us for the efforts made: our crops show much better data in terms of protein levels, yields in the field, and health.

Evaluation Activity

Adaptability of the field
Experimentation inside field
Innovative Agronomic routes
Precision Farming

Food Innovation

In cooperation with prestigious Italian universities and professional teams, we work to create innovative ingredients to improve the consumers’ well-being and quality of life.

We implement technological solutions for better quality fibers and proteins to obtain a nutritional profile superior to current market standards. In parallel, we work to develop innovative ingredients for the alternative dairy market.

Finally, always with a view to environmental and social sustainability, we have invested significant resources in H2020 community projects to identify high-performance solutions capable of improving crop health.

We collaborate with the most prestigious Italian universities
We produce high quality fibers and proteins
We develop innovative ingredients for the alternative dairy market
Major investments in H2020 community projects
A perspective of environmental and social sustainability